Candle stabilizer - 5 g

Candle stabilizer - 5 g

The powdered candle stabilizer produced by Bekro is a UV stabilizer used for colored candles that fade quickly or colorless candles that yellow over time. Stabilizers help slow down these processes, allowing candles to retain their vibrant color or natural whiteness for longer.

Usage: Add the stabilizer to the wax blend before adding dye and fragrance, and dissolve it between 50°C and 100°C. Do not use it together with Bekro white colorants. We recommend testing the stabilizer on a smaller batch before mixing it with a larger quantity of wax, as stabilizers may react with other additives, leading to color changes.


- Suitable for any type of candle wax
- Protects colored candles from fading due to UV exposure
- Prevents white candles from yellowing when exposed to prolonged sunlight
- Recommended dosage: 0.2–0.4%
- Powder form
- Stabilizer type: CS3500.

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